Friday, December 25

Parisan Warm Chocolate

I made hot chocolate last night. It was amazing. It walked that line between drinking melted chocolate and drinking milk with chocolate flavoring beautifully. Yes, it might shorten your heart's lifespan by a few months, but it's totally worth it.

1 cup whole milk (starts off well...)
1/3 cup cream (getting even better...)
1/4 cup sugar
5 oz. semisweet chocolate

Simmer the milk, cream and sugar until just boiling (scalded). Stir in the chocolate until melted. Don't let it boil.

I made adjustments to it for my taste as follows:
*I didn't have whole milk, so I used a variety of 2%, half and half and cream to get the desired amount of dairy product... you can vary it if you're being health conscientious, but as the recipe said, "No need for spices or other flavors when you have real chocolate and cream."
*I also lessened the sugar by about one third. Jon thought it needed more; I thought it was perfect.
*For the chocolate, I used about half 60% cacao Ghirardelli chocolate chips and half semisweet chocolate chips. It gave it more of a dark chocolate flavor.
*I added extra milk to the mug as I served it to thin it out a bit.
It even tasted good reheated this morning for breakfast.

I know you people are baking. Now start posting...

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