Monday, June 15

Melting Moments (non-Lauren style)

Ok, no pic, but I thought I'd put this down for the record. They tasted good but were a crumbly mess and very dry. I liked the addition of the oats. I wouldn't let them cool on the pan for more than a second because it seemed to cook them longer than necessary, and I like them as less-dry as I can get them. I like that she used the verb "to dredge" with the powdered sugar portion, but I'll tell you this -- dredging makes a mean mess of your kitchen. All in all, kind of a lame recipe.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I'm feeling bad that you've gotten the mediocre recipes. I'll email you a few more in the next day or two. Or feel free to try others and assign me some. I'm liking this cookie thing because I'd realized several months ago, I lacked many good recipes under that section in my recipe box. Mmmm... that reminds me I ran out last night...