Sunday, June 7

First round: It isn't pretty.


Jidge said...

But by round 2, they looked much better. They say not to over-cook, but undercooking is bad too. Also, make sure you let the dough get really firm (that's what she said). I liked them, but Sam wasn't super-jiggy on them. They were definitely dark chocolate. We wondered how they would taste with semi-sweet. Great texture.

Jidge said...

I'm always hesitant when it says cookie dough will be thin. Is it worth me making, or should we just make a bunch of recipes and then decide which make the cut? She's very particular in her directions, and at the beginning of the book, she says make substitutions at your own risk. My thoughts are a)She's tried them enough she knows what works and what doesn't make the ideal cookie, or b)She's a super anal retentive chef who doesn't think you should do anything other than her recipe. I guess we'll see as we make more cookies.

Teacher Extraordinaire said...

The next day = very, very good. Even Eric said so.