Thursday, January 13

Oreo Cake Bites

No picture, but I couldn't let this one get by without posting. A-MA-ZING. It's pretty much a knock-off of the one you posted awhile back called "Cake Balls." I even used your recipe in consultation before beginning.

1 package regular Oreos
1 8-oz package of cream cheese, softened
Chocolate bark (or chocolate chips/shortening concoction)

Put the Oreos in a food processor until fine. Or crush them, if you're old-school. Then mix the crumbs with the cream cheese (use a mixer for sure). Ball the dough and then freeze the balls for awhile. Cover with melted bark or chocolate mixture. The bark at Dan's was Western Family, but it actually tasted better and had a better crunch than the chocolate chip stuff. Now my goal is to find really good bark somewhere...

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